Dumpling Banquet

Originally uploaded by Wasting Moments.
Had a "Dumpling Banquet" at a restaurant called De Fa Chang this evening. Consisted of 2 cold dishes, 16 different varieties of steamed dumplings, and a final course of dumpling soup. All that, plus 2 half-liter bottles of Chinese beer, for 80 Yuan (about 10 bucks). The reason I mention this is to point out how inexpensive it can be to travel in China. 4 star hotels can be had for 65-100 US$ a night. You can get a room comperable to what you'd get in a Holiday Inn or Best western for half that. The dumpling banquet is the most expensive meal I've eaten so far. Plane tickets are cheap, a full day's tour is really cheap, admission to sights and museums is cheap.

The cold dishes at dinner were interesting. One was a delicious plate of some kind of sea-weed. The other... well I managed to eat about three of them, left the others on the plate. I'm pretty sure that they were pickled chicken's feet with hot peppers. I've got pictures of that, too.

The dumplings came in varieties like pork, ham & corn, shrimp, walnut, yam, beef, vegetable. Some of them are shaped like what's in them, like the duck pictured here. Hopefully eating more duck won't lead to another losing week in fantasy football.

Tomorrow, I'll be taking it a bit easier. I'm going to go to the local Shaanxi Museum, which is supposedly one of the 4 best in the country. I'm also going to check out the inside of the bell and drum towers, walk down to the wall, and maybe wander around the Muslim Quarter a bit. I think I'll actually take advantage of the free internet and do a bit of conference prep in the evening.

A few notes to some of you out there:

-I've been able to read comments by getting to the blog through an anonymizer type proxy. I'm pretty certain blogspot is blocked here in China.

-Hank, thanks for the frequent comments, and the updates on your work schedule. Tell CMET that I said hi. Tell Brenda that if she wants a counterfeit, low quality, cheap-as-hell Louis Vatton bag, she should post a comment. Funnilly enough, I wandered past a Louis Vatton store this evening.

-Hi Eric, Hi Claire! Hope all's well in Arizona.

-If there are more of you out there lurking and not commenting, I'd love to hear back from you. Let me know what you want to know more about, see more of. More pictures of food? More pictures from museums? My mom wants to see more pictures of me, but that probably isn't going to happen.

-I'm surprised none of my librarian friends are pointing out errors in spelling and grammar. Hopefully I'll come back to these and clean them up someday. For now, it's all the time I have to write them and keep seeing stuff.


At October 7, 2004 at 9:33 AM, Blogger ken harper said...

The dumplings look great. The food sounds good. I would probably even like most of it, although I would probably stay away from the chicken feet and no yak parts (although even you didn't venture there). We like all the pics and whatever you post will be something that we have not seen before. Uncle Jay says to ask you pick him up a pin of some kind for his collection. Everyone says hi and I will encourage them to post back themselves.
XieXie! for the post and pics. They are Hen Hao.
Wan An!

At October 7, 2004 at 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Ken, what the heck was that?
Corey - your grammar has been great, and your humor as you tell the stories os great also. I've seen some 'typos' but no spelling errors!

At October 7, 2004 at 2:03 PM, Blogger ken harper said...

I assume the anonymous comment about the words in my last comment were from Linda (Corey's mom). You need to sign anonymous posts. Anyway XieXie is thank you, Hen Hao is very good and Wan An is good nite. They are from my short list of 32 phrases for Survival Chinese.
Corey I stopped over to Aunt Dianes today and showed her how to get on your blog, I don't think they got your email because they have been using RR antispaming stuff and it is blocking a lot of emails they don't want to block.
Everyone says hi.

At October 7, 2004 at 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Corey! The pictures and text are amazing! Your dad called me and gave me the address! Keep up the good work! Enjoy the Library Conference! CL


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