Draft posts finally posted
Two draft posts sat in limbo for 10 days before finally being posted today.
And all because I was too lazy to proofread.
Two draft posts sat in limbo for 10 days before finally being posted today.
And all because I was too lazy to proofread.
Researchers in Tokyo have come up with a flexible plastic scanner that can be used to digitize fragile materials without having to worry about either damaging the binding or getting illegible results along the gutter. Looking forward to these being produced for sale. From Gizmodo
A group of medical students from London have posited this question, and published a detailed mental history, analysis and diagnosis in the British Medical Journal. Bizarre. I believe BMJ is a double blind peer reviewed jounral. I wonder what the reviewers were thinking as they read this.
A recent Boing Boing entry mentions the University of Oregon. This is a proud moment: my current institution has been mentioned in what is probably the best blog I know of. Apparently, we purchased a massive collection of Sci-Fi-Zines.
I can't tell from the post if this is the Libraries' doing, but I'd assume so given that SC&UA has been accumulating a fairly large Zine collection over the past few years.