
Well, after just over 2 weeks of travel, I'm back home. I haven't changed the time zone on any of my electronics, so I can tell you that it's really tomorrow. See, I'm convinced that my local clocks, the sun, and all that is lying to me. It's actually a little before seven tomorrow morning, and I've been up for over 24 hours, minus an hour or two of napping on the plane.

It amazes me that one can get on a plane in Shanghai and get off in San Fransisco just over 10 hours later, or actually five hours earlier if you pay attention to the local time.

The trip was absolutely incredible. I had an unbelievably good time and saw a great many amazing things. I took hundreds upon hundreds of pictures. Some of the best were posted to flickr and to this blog, but there are many more good ones (along with a bunch that are of considerably lesser quality).

The conference was also excellent, and as I cull through my notes and find all the (mildly to some of you, not at all to others) intersting tidbits, I'll post a selection of meeting highlights.

Spending over 2 weeks in China has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It has re-ignited the travel bug in me in the worst way.

I think I want to eat pizza tonight. I like pizza, and during my two weeks away, I found myself occasionally missing pizza.

I'm not really looking forward to returning to work on Monday. Hopefully I'll have my wits about me again by then, as I have at least two important meetings, the first of which is far too early in the morning.

Looking forward to seeing all of you soon.


At October 18, 2004 at 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Corey, reading your comments and seeing the photos has been really great -- but what on earth could you post about in Eugene? Hmmmm I suspect a swift descent into slanging-off matches with Hank. This whole blog has certainly given me new insights into my co-workers....



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