Last US post for a while
Now that I've mass emailed way too many people about this site, I'm even more resolute to make use of it.
So, it's almost time to go. I managed to pull everything together, although somewhat last minute (as usual). Now I've got a spare moment to post before my ride shows up. shows that the rain seen by all 3 of my destination cities is going to be clearing up tomorrow. Suits me fine, since Eugene's rainy days will be nearly upon us when I return.
Just got word that my insurance is going to cover my immunizations after all. That's one less bit of debt for me when I get back. Whoo-hoo! If you read that list of things the other day, add to it a smattering of injections.
And speaking of said list, I have to say that it felt really odd to be registering a trip with the Dept. of State. I gave my government exact details of my physical whereabouts while on foriegn soil. Very unlike me, but I think it was a good idea. At a friend's suggestion, if I have time, I'd like to stop into an American Embassy and see if my info found its way into their database at all.
I keep thinking of last minute things to throw in my luggage: index cards for giving addresses to cabbies, eyeglass prescription in case I lose / destroy 2 pair contacts and 1 pair glasses, random little stuff like that.
On a completely unrelated note, according to this article in the Oregon Daily Emerald (campus newspaper), only 14 percent of U. Oregon's funding comes from the legislature. That's just ridiculous.
Okay, well, next post will be from Shanghai.