Jon Stewart on Crossfire

Possibly some of you missed this. The exchange between Stewart and Tucker Carlson is amazing. Stewart really ripped into Carlson about Crossfire, and exceedingly partisan political analysis shows in general.

There's a great section where Stewart is accusing them of a lack of integrity and they turn around and accuse the Daily Show of the same thing. Stewarts response is absolutely priceless: "You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. What is wrong with you?"

The whole 12 minute exchange is online here:

This also includes a link to Stewart rehashing the discussion on the Daily Show last night.

For those of you on slower Internet connections, CNN has the transcript up here:


At October 22, 2004 at 9:55 AM, Blogger Karen said...

Hey, thanks for the link to Stewart spinning his appearance--I hadn't seen that. It's a great piece.

Funny, I had a conservative say to me the other day that she thought Stewart was being hypocritical--that he's either a political commentator or a comedian, and he can't have it both ways. I.e., if he says he's a comedian without responsibility to examine political issues in depth, he shouldn't talk politics. If he's a political commentator, he shouldn't hide behind the guise of "just a comedian."

I think she's probably wrong, but I haven't figured out exactly why, yet.

Also, I need to set up comments on my blog. Is that a free function on Blogger, or is it only in a paid version? Is there a paid version of Blogger? What--I should actually read the directions? Huh? Okay.


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